Ockley Rail Station









This site serves to protect Ockley Station now and for the future by the electronic method of communication: the INTERNET.

From February 2000 the station got it's place in history and for ever shall maintain a record and reference for the world to see.

It is the web sites objective to preserve the station in time for the future and against the vicious and vindictive people who will destroy or change for the sake of it.

Please mind, there are still gaps "in time", but maybe you can help!
Do you have any history of the Station?
A photograph?
A memory?
I.e. it was an important site in the loading of tanks in the war - can you help?

So, if you have also just a tiny bit of information or just an old, worn out little picture, please send me a mail to Jason.Wright@gmx.de

This Website
All rights, including copyright and all other intellectual property rights, in this website are owned by Jason Wright. Any use of this website or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non commercial use is prohibited without the permission of Jason Wright. You may not modify, distribute or repost something on this website for any purpose. You may not create any link to this website without Jason Wrights prior written consent, nor may you restrict or inhibit the use or enjoyment of it by anyone else.

Responsable for programming this site and webserver administration is PC-Service Motzkus, Germany, so for any problems or improvement suggestions contact directly webmaster@ockley-and-capel-railstation.com.